due dilligence for responsible business conduct

Alignment with voluntary and mandatory standards

Our approach is fully aligned with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the OECD guidelines for multinational corporations and the current and upcoming EU legislation on due diligence, including the CSRD/ESRS CSDDD, Sustainable Finance Disclosure regulation (SFRD), Green Taxonomy, Conflict Minerals regulation, Deforestation regulation, the Draft EU Ban on products made with forced labour.

Are you wondering how to do human rights due diligence? How to identify and know all human rights risks, including in the value chain? How to prioritize in a way that is justified and legitimate, Human Rights@Work offers services to ensure a company respects human rights by doing due diligence.

due dilligence human-rights

step by step or a package

Services step by step

Services are described separately as some organizations prefer a step by step approach.

However, these services can be combined in one package. Usually, we work with a global risk assessment first plus a gap assessment to review all policies and processes and determine where you stand as a company.

 This leads to a strategy and plan which risks to address first and where to do a further deep dive, with human rights impact assessments, to better understand what needs to be done to mitigate the risks.

Services overview

Our due dilligence services


Stakeholder management, training and improving the grievance mechanism are other steps that can be included in the process. Please take a look at the following pages.

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