Build your human rights capacity
NGOs and international organisations, such as the UN, play a key role in placing and keeping human rights on the agenda of businesses, developing and setting standards, helping to identify and remediate human rights risks. NGOs are cooperating with the private sector to ensure human rights are respected, offering their expertise and network. At the same time they play a very important role as watchdog, pointing out where human rights violations take place.
The UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines are becoming focal point in this work of NGOs and international organisations.

Facilitating NGOs to have more impact on business
HR@W has extensive experience with NGOs. Some of our services:
- Research, impact assessments
- Project management
- Developing strategy towards the private sector
- Communications with the private sector
- Developing propositions towards the private sector
- Integrating the UN Guiding Principles in international initiatives
- Stakeholder dialogues with business
- Facilitating strategic meetings
- Developing publications and writing reports
Project examples
- Together with Partnering for Social Impact Human Rights@Work, commissioned by a collaboration of trade unions and MSIs. developed factsheets for the garment sector about Freedom of Association in Bangladesh and Vietnam.
- Supporting SOMO in developing information on public procurement in the Textile and Leather sector.
- Supporting UNICEF in developing strategies and building capacity in the area of they for children’s rights and business principles. For UNICEF HR@W has been participating in the negotiations for a Covenant for the Gold sector
- Advising the ILO to make their interaction with the private sector more effective by Understanding the needs of Dutch companies)Developing a methodology to assess the impact of products on human rights for the consumer app Questionmark
- Technically advising the impact assessment study of Unilever’s supply chain in Vietnam, together with Oxfam GB
- Assessing the current status of respect for human rights by Dutch companies (VBDO)
- Technically advising the impact assessment of Unilever’s supply chain in Vietnam, together with Oxfam GB)